Your chance to see the world and experience new cultures

If you’ve dreamed of travelling or living overseas, this is your chance to see the world and experience new cultures, people and places - without putting your degree on hold.

Our overseas study programs range from two weeks to a year, and you can receive credit towards your Murdoch degree. You can even combine two programs, so you could spend a winter abroad in Europe, then do an exchange semester in Asia, or a semester in the USA, followed by an internship in Canada. Be adventurous!

Explore scholarships

Career outcomes from learning abroad

Studies across the globe are finding that students with international study experience strengthen a range of skills highly valued by employers, including time management, communication, problem solving, crisis management and understanding of other people and cultures. When you study or intern overseas, you will:

Explore the world

Discover new places and learn about different cultures

Graduate with an edge

Add value to your resume and boost your employability

...and have fun!

Try new things, build confidence and make friends for life